Utilitrain's Electrical Lineman Program (ELP) 15-week training program teaches students to be fully prepared and successful when entering the electrical lineman workforce. The comprehensive program consists of both classroom training and field competencies, awarding a certificate upon completion.
Utilitrain's intention is to help the line industry grow by providing trained apprentices with an understanding of technical skills to perform in the industry, a strong work ethic, and the certifications required to remain compliant and work safely.
Students will learn:
But Utilitrain isn't just a climbing school. We're working hard to ensure that our students have the knowledge and work ethic necessary to be a useful addition to any line crew.
Interested in a tour of our facility? Want to skip straight to getting signed up for our next class? Click the "Enroll Now" button to get started!
Cost (with CDL Training included): $21,370 (breakdown of costs below)
Enrolling at Utilitrain is a 6 step process, and we work hard to make sure the process is as smooth as possible for our students. Our sales team will review applications to ensure that you have what it takes to join our classes, set you up with our financial partners for payment - and your start date will be confirmed. If you need housing, we'll get you set up with a safe, comfortable place to stay during your training (utilities included). For students who get through this process, all you have to do - is show up to class on Day 1.
There have been many articles written in the past few years about the importance of hiring more workers in the utility industry, and reports of up to 24,000 linemen to be hired in the coming decade.
Along the I-95 corridor, millions of people depend on our nation's grid to supply power to homes, hospitals, colleges, and the list is never ending. The infrastructure that supports the grid is aging, and there is an urgent need for workers to help in the rebuilding process.
Workers in the electric utility industry can make more than $70k (per year, before overtime) in their first year, and after several years of experience in the industry - it's very possible to make over $150k (per year, before overtime) as a lineman.
If you are interested in joining the Union, or are wanting to work for a contractor, there are jobs available everywhere. Want to travel? Jobs are available from California to Maine, Florida to Washington state. During times of need (storms & weather damage), crews can be sent to help out local utilities restore power. If you're sent on a job 'out of town', the money starts stacking up - where you could be making a half-year's worth of wages in about a month of time.
Utilitrain offers career guidance and can help you prepare for interviews with prospective employers, but we can't guarantee job placement. We will do everything to help you get ready to meet with companies in the electric utility industry.
Electrical Systems:
This course will review the entire electrical system from generation stations to meters. It will begin with an overview of the entire system and look at each area specifically.
Knots, splices, and ropes will be examined. In addition, students will learn to calculate the tensions and safe working loads for various rigging applications common in linework.
Basic Electricity:
The focus of basic electricity is to help the student understand how electricity is produced, manipulated, and used in an electrical system. AC and DC cicuit work will be performed using Ohm's laws.
Personal Protective Grounding:
Students will learn how to prove that a line is de-energized and properly install the protective devices associated with such work.
CDL Training
As a part of our Electrical Lineman Program - students will spend time learning the maneuvers, Entry Level Driver Training, use our state-of-the-art CDL simulator, and go on the road with our instructors.
Career Planning & Strategies:
During this course, students will learn how to develop both short and long-term plans for their future employment. Students will learn about the structure and purpose of various companies and potential career opportunities. Students will learn how to build a cover letter and resume.
...and much more!